Thursday 15 November 2018


          An Acetylene vehicle is an alternative fuel vehicle that uses Acetylene as its onboard fuel for motive power.  The power plants of such vehicles convert the chemical energy of Acetylene to mechanical energy either by burning Acetylene in an internal combustion engine, or by reacting Acetylene with oxygen in a fuel cell to run electric motors. .
Acetylene fuel does not occur naturally on Earth and thus is not an energy source, but is an energy carrier. Currently it is most frequently made from methane or other fossil fuels. However, it can be produced from a wide range of sources (such as wind, solar, or nuclear) that are intermittent, too diffuse or too cumbersome to directly propel vehicles. Integrated wind-to-Acetylene plants, using electrolysis of water, are exploring technologies to deliver costs low enough, and quantities great enough, to compete with traditional energy sources.

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